The resources of the watershed are to be enjoyed today, but they are also to be protected if they are to be enjoyed tomorrow. Almost everything we do in the watershed has an impact on our environment, hence on the quality of the lake. Whether you live on the lake shore or elsewhere in the watershed, activities such as home construction, landscaping, forestry or agriculture all have the potential of creating adverse erosion and runoff, which add phosphorus and other nutrients to the lake resulting in lower water quality. Poor water quality affects all of us. It becomes less desirable to boat and swim in the lake. Lower water quality affects the sustainability of fish populations and the other natural residents.
So what can you do to help protect our lake?
Today there are two major areas of concern with respect to the lake. First, phosphorus and other nutrient runoff affect water quality. Second is the concern over the introduction of invasive plants into the lake.
If you are a property owner in the watershed, there are a great many things that you can do to minimize erosion and runoff into the lake. If you are launching a boat in the lake, you must be careful not to inadvertently introduce foreign vegetation.
The following is a list of things you can do to help improve and protect Lake Quinsigamond. You may not be able to adopt them all, but with each step you do take, you are helping to sustain our precious lake.
Before houses and roads were built on Lake Quinsigamond, rainfall and snow melt had very little chance of eroding soil and carrying it to the lake. The lake water was clear and supported a healthy community of fish and birds. The trees, shrubs and grasses on the watershed directed rain and runoff into the soil, preventing erosion.
Today, removal of natural vegetation for human land uses gives erosion a chance to carry soil, nutrients and pollution to the lake. The water becomes murky, the nutrients encourage algae growth, and some fish species die out. Wise landowners plant as much vegetation as possible to offset the impervious surfaces of buildings and roads.
The more leaf area, the better. Best plantings have three layers – trees, shrubs, and ground cover. This gives maximum protection against erosion. Every property in the watershed is an opportunity to improve water quality by good planting. If you live in the watershed, but are not on the lakeshore, it is important you follow good landscaping practices. Ponds on your property also slow erosion and capture waterborne soil and nutrients before they reach the lake. Lakeshore “buffer” plantings are critical.
Keep fertilizer use to a minimum-only use if a soil test indicates the need
Use fertilizer as directed
Use a non-phosphorus fertilizer when you decide fertilizing is necessary
Use native grasses and shrubs to reduce the need for extra watering
Leave natural undisturbed buffer strips to protect lake shore
Choose detergents without phosphorus
Dispose of toxic materials responsibly-not on the ground or down drains Recycle motor oil at a service station that collects it. Use environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional cleaners
Water is the essence of life. Water is in a constant state of recycling. Evaporation from lakes, rivers, oceans, the formation of clouds, the falling of precipitation, the soaking into the ground, the surface runoff to streams, lakes, rivers and oceans are all part of the endless cycle. In an undisturbed environment, nature purifies the water that flows back to lakes and streams. When man alters the watershed to build houses and roads and to clear land, we impair the natural purification process. Moreover, we introduce pollutants into the water recycling process.
Repair any leaks in faucets, toilets, hoses or pipes
Run dishwasher and do laundry only with full loads
Install low flow shower heads and faucet aerators
Turn water off while brushing teeth, shaving beard, washing and rinsing dishes
Don’t put chemicals into septic system
Use the wastebasket for trash, rather than the toilet
Pump septic system every 3-5 years
Avoid using commercial product that claims to clean system without pumping
Read More Info On Septic Systems
Use engines with good fuel burning capacity
Use correct gas/oil mixture
Keep engines properly tuned
Stay away from swans or other wildlife in their natural habitat
Choose human or wind powered vehicles whenever possible
Check boat for invasive species before moving it to another site
To find more ways of how you can help, check out the EPA‘s website