
Lake Quinsigamond

The success of LQWA depends on everyone within the watershed community. As a resident, business or visitor in the watershed, you play a critical role in the future of Lake Quinsigamond. Become a member of the association and have a voice in your backyard.

“One is not born into the world to do everything but to do something…”
~ Henry David Thoreau

Membership  Rates

Student/ Retired $6.00
Organization $25.00
Single $12.00
Sustaining Member $25.00
Family $25.00
Condo Association $100.00

Online Membership Application or Donation

(Membership into the organization is automatically applied when your donation meets the membership rates)



Mail Your Membership Application or Donate Today

(Membership into the organization is automatically applied when your donation meets the membership rates)

Membership Application (.pdf)

Lake Quinsigamond Watershed Association
Post Office Box 4243
Turnpike Station
Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Your annual membership fee goes toward educational programs, watershed initiatives, production and costs for the website. There are no paid employees, rent or other office expenses. If you would like to become more active in the association, please let us know by emailing us at